A*: Jesus, since I've promised this blog will be a real-time discussion with you, what do you think of the idea of getting started right away?
J*: It's 7:00 o'clock in the morning. You've only had one cup of coffee. You sure you want to begin this discussion right now?
Jesus as the author sees him. |
A: I'm a morning person. I'm good. Besides, if I know you, we're going to be continuing this discussion for a long time.
J: I'm a bit rusty. We haven't done this whole "I talk, you type" thing in a while.
A: I'm more worried about the typos. I always miss some typos when I'm first typing.
J: Well, think on the bright side. You have fingers to type with. Me, not so much.
A: Okay. Let's talk about that. That's a good place to start. Can you put into words for readers exactly where you are right now? Where are you actually located?
J: Hmmm. That's a hard one to explain. You sure aren't starting with the easy questions!
A: Let's try a biblical metaphor, then. Are you seated at the right hand of God?
J (much chuckling): No! I'm not at God's right hand. Not now. Not ever. God doesn't really have a right hand. Not literally, not metaphorically. You have to remember that God's essence isn't made in humankind's image. So there's no old guy with a white beard sitting on a throne. There's an old guy, all right -- that's our beloved father, God the Father. But there's also an old gal -- God the Mother. They're our divine parents. Their essence is intertwined in and around all Creation. They were here long, long before any of the rest of us. You could say they're the Alpha and Beta of everything.
A: Rather than the Alpha and Omega.
J: Right. They're the first two letters of Creation's alphabet, and everything else that exists has been made possible by their love and commitment. But they're not the only beings in Creation. They're literally our parents. So there are many souls, many angels, many children in God's family. The Divine Family started with Two -- our blessed Mother and Father -- but the family has been growing and growing and growing. I don't think there's going to be an "Omega" in Creation -- a final, definitive end to things. I think the alphabet is just going to keep growing.
A: So you're saying you're one of God's children, a child of God, not God himself, as in "God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit."
J: That's what I'm saying. I'm not God the Father, and I'm not God the Mother. I'm me -- an angel who goes by the name of Jesus. I'm one of bajillions of sons in God's loving family. I'm not the only son.
A: And there are also bajillions of daughters?
J (smiling): Yes, bajillions of daughers, too.
A: So where are all these bajillions of angelic sons and daughters? Where are they? Where are you? Why can't we see you?
J: Well, to answer that question, I'll have to turn to science. The question can't be answered without the latest thinking in science. Not Newtonian science, of course. Quantum theory can help, but even quantum theory is in its infancy. Scientists have only begun to scratch the surface of the scientific realities that hold together all Creation. And within the vast universe we all live in, only a tiny fraction of all matter and all energy is visible to the human eye. So, without trying to be mean, I would have to say in all honesty that one of the least reliable measures for judging what's real and what's not real is the human eye.
A: That makes me think of Plato and his rejection of the human senses as a valid way to know God.
J: Plato rejected the human senses because he didn't want his followers to see for themselves that God the Mother and God the Father are visible everywhere in the material, practical, earthly world that human beings are living in. I'm saying the opposite of what Plato said. I'm saying that the human senses are good, but limited. Once you understand and respect those limitations, you're less troubled about the fact that some things just aren't visible within the narrow detection range of the human eye. The EMF frequencies that power wireless phones aren't less real because you can't see them. Same with the microwaves that cook your frozen dinners. Real, though not visible to the human eye.
A: Okay. So angels are real, then, but we can't see them with the human eye because angels have an energy signature that falls outside the range of the human eye?
J: Sort of. But it's more that angels exist as matter in the fourth dimension, whereas the human eye only draws information from matter that exists in the third dimension. But even most physicists agree the universe has more than three dimensions. That's not science fiction. That's science fact.
A: In other words, there's nothing within our current understanding of quantum theory that absolutely prohibits the idea of angels existing "where we can't see them."
J: That's what I'm saying. It's a darned big universe out there, and one of the biggest mistakes people can make is to insist that "what you see if what you get." Creation isn't founded on the WISIWYG principle -- as anyone born without sight will tell you.
Nature provides us with many examples of a single creature going through stages of transformation that so radically change the outer form we wouldn’t believe, without the help of science, that they’re still the same creature on the inside. The process of incarnating as a human being involves a similar repackaging of a soul’s imaginal discs into a temporary physical form. We go from butterfly form (angel) to caterpillar form (human) then back to butterfly form (angel) when we die. If you want to learn more about the imaginal discs involved in a biological caterpillar’s transformation into a gorgeous butterfly, you can check out this 2012 Scientific American post by Ferris Jabr (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/caterpillar-butterfly-metamorphosis-explainer/) |
* A=Author (Jennifer Thomas) and J=Jesus