J: It's not that hard, really. I'm going to use the analogy of a hand in a glove.
A: Okay.
J: The core aspect of a person that's eternal -- the soul -- can be likened to "the hand" in our analogy. Once you reach adolescence, your hand reaches its adult size and stops growing. It's yours for life. Everything about your hand is shaped by your DNA --the size, shape, flexibility, skin pigmentation, fingernail growth, and, of course, your unique set of fingerprints. (For those born without hands, the same principle would apply, though obviously the analogy would pertain to a different portion of the biological body). The characteristics of the hand are not malleable. You don't have a small-sized hand one day and an extra-large hand the next day. You don't have a pianist's hands one day and a mechanic's hands the next. Even the fine details, such as your fingerprints, don't change. You have the hand your DNA says you're supposed to have, and that's it. You can't change the overall form or function. The form and function of your hand are pretty much "carved in stone."
A: Except if you can afford plastic surgery.
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“Jesus said: Foxes have holes and birds have nests, but the son of man has no place to lay down his head and rest” (Gospel of Thomas 86). February Snow, photo credit JAT 2015. |
J: That's a surgical intervention intended to override your DNA. For the purposes of our example, we'll stick to a more basic example -- a person who lives in Canada and needs to wear a glove in the winter because it's cold.
A: Hey, count me in. I carry my gloves in my coat pocket from October till April. Just in case it suddenly gets cold.
J: The soul is like the hand of the hardy adult Canadian in our analogy. Its overall form and function are fixed. And there's nothing wrong with this. In fact, it's very helpful. Can you imagine how confusing life would be if your hand were very small on Monday and very large on Tuesday? How could you get anything done or decide what tools you need? How could you make long term plans? How could you decide on a career, a hobby, or a hands-on pursuit? You'd be in a constant state of anxiety because of the lack of certainty. It's good to be flexible and creative, but you can only afford to be flexible and creative if some things in life are certain. Like the size of your hand.
A: And the shape of your soul.
J: Exactly. The shape of your soul is fixed. Knowing this can give you great courage, great strength. Knowing who you are as a soul gives you the courage to say "yes" to the things you ought to be doing and "no" to the things you ought not to be doing. It helps you avoid the years of pain and frustration you feel when you're in the wrong job or the wrong location or the wrong relationship. The job you have may be a perfectly wonderful job from a logical point of view, but if it's not the right job for you as a soul, you'll get stressed out, and then you'll get sick, angry, depressed. If you believe you are a soul, and if you believe your soul has a unique blueprint, you have a terrific foundation of certainty and constancy to build your life on.
A: And nobody can take it away from you.
J: They can't take away your core self, your core blueprint, your soul. These belong solely to you. What they can take away, however, is the biological functioning of the parts of your brain linked to your human physiology. What they can take away is the glove that protects your soul during your human lifetime.
A: Explain how the glove works.
J: In our analogy of the hand in the glove, the glove represents the parts of your human biology that keep your temporary 3D human body functioning properly. But, like the glove that prevents warm-blooded fingers from freezing in minus 30 degree weather, the glove is essential to the health of the hand it protects. The glove isn't the same substance, if you will, as the hand, but it protects the hand and is absolutely indispensable. After the glove has been worn for a while, it starts to mould itself to the unique shape of the hand it protects. Eventually you can recognize it in a pile of similar gloves because it has a unique combination of bend marks and stains and the like. It takes on the characteristics of its owner's hand because it's malleable.
A: You're suggesting, then, that some of the circuitry in the brain and central nervous system is "fixed" -- not malleable -- because it's linked to the soul's blueprint. The rest of the circuits -- the parts that deal with human survival needs -- are not fixed and are instead intended to be malleable. Have I got that straight?
J (nodding): The human brain isn't a simple blob of jello where all the parts inside your skull behave exactly alike. The human brain isn't even a single organ -- it's several semi-autonomous organs working together. At least that's the theory. What happens in the case of major dysfunction is that one or more of the "essential services" in the brain goes off-line. Without input from these "essential services," other sectors of the brain don't do their own job as efficiently as possible. They may go into overdrive and try to make up for the loss of the other services by doing more work themselves than they're designed for. Some parts of the brain end up underactive, and other parts end up overactive. These realities are now visible on brain scans.
A: What's the final result of these imbalances?
J: In most cases the final result is a person who's standing outside in bitterly cold weather and wearing a glove that's covered in holes -- big, ragged holes that let the icy wind in and make you want to retract all your fingers into a ball in the end of your coat sleeve. It doesn't work very well.
A: So the thing to do is to fix the glove. Mend the holes and put new insulation in.
J: Mending the holes is what neuroplasticity is all about. The "essential services" that have gone off-line in the brains of many of today's adults can be gradually healed and restored. Eventually it becomes possible for them to hear what their own inner self has been saying all along. Eventually it becomes possible for them to hear what God has been saying, too.
A: This is a very helpful, hopeful message. It's much easier to begin the journey of healing when you have faith that your inner self is worth the trouble. It's also easier when you have a basic understanding of what it is you're trying to do.
J: I can't emphasize enough the connection between insight and healing. The simple experience of achieving insight is not only emotionally and spiritually transformative, but it lays the groundwork for your biological brain (your "glove") to rewire itself in positive, healing, holistic ways. Healing follows insight. Therefore, if you're a tyrant who wants to cripple the people around you so you can acquire fame, money, power, and sex, your most effective strategy is to prevent people from acquiring their own unique healing insights. People can't oppose you and overthrow you if they're busy dealing with all the holes you've put in their heads.
A: Holes caused by HDM strategies (http://concinnatechristianity.blogspot.com/2010/11/it-takes-village-non-hdm-village-that.html).
J: Yes. Status-based strategies. Plus choices like slavery. Intentional withholding of food and resources to drive up prices, increase poverty, increase fear, and reduce political opposition. Subjugation of women. Refusal to educate children -- either boys or girls or both. Burning of books. Controlling access to information. Lack of judicial transparency. Claims of religious infallibility. These are the strategies of tyrants.
A: What you've just described reminds me a lot of Hitler and his SS goons.
J: Actually, as I was talking, I was thinking of the religious tyrants of my day. The ones who were oppressing the regular people. Some things haven't changed much in the last 2,000 years.
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